
A collection of one-liner jokes. I bet (at least) one will make you laugh.

What do you call a fish wearing a crown?

A kingfish

Will glass coffins be a success?

Remains to be seen

When life gives you melons...

you might be dyslexic.

I hate Russian dolls...

they're so full of themselves

Geology rocks...

but geography is where it's at

My wife told me to stop impersonating a flamingo...

I had to put my foot down

So what if I don't know what 'Armageddon' means?

It's not the end of the world

The future, the present, and the past walk into a bar...

Things got a little tense.

I have a few jokes about unemployed people...

but none of them work

You’ll never be as lazy...

as whoever named the fireplace

I used to think I was indecisive...

but now I'm not too sure

I can’t believe I got fired from the calendar factory...

all I did was take a day off

I've just written a song about tortillas...

actually, it’s more of a rap