A collection of projects that I have worked on, that make up the metaverse as part of this website. Some of these projects are still in progress and my intention is to continuously tend to all the pages. I see it as my digital garden. Different plants needing tending to in different way. Some are good for a few months, some need more regular attention. Each project has a brief description and a category that it belongs to. Click on a project to view the page.
Dev Resources
A collection of useful resources for web developers and designers.
web devEverton
A page dedicated to Everton Football Club
A page dedicated to the video game Fortnite.
A project about the countries of the world.
A collection of one-liner jokes. I bet (at least) one will make you laugh.
funMovies Database
A database of movies watched or to watch by the Pigeon & Parrot Movie Club (PPMC).
funPremier League
A project about the English Premier League
A collection of motivational and inspirational quotes to inspire you.
A project about our solar system and it's 8 planets.
spaceThe MAG Premier League
An online eFootball competition for the MAG community.
gamingEuro 2024
A page dedicated to the Euro 2024 football competition.